<aside> 📖 Archive.org - Family Computer Magazine #9 (April 1986), page 68-69 月刊ファミリーコンピュータマガジン 1986年4月号 スーパーマリオブラザーズ完全攻略本 PART II「ワールド9が出る原因はノイズだった」


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[Header] Super Mario Bros. Complete Guidebook: Part II

World 9 Is Caused By Noise

Explanation by Mr. Miyamoto of Nintendo, creator of Super Mario Bros.

Six months after its release, Super Mario Bros. is still going strong by a long shot. Every day, the editorial department receives an incredible number of Ultra-Techniques and strategies. So, as a continuation of the hit “Super Mario Bros. Complete Guidebook,” published last October, we present you Part II.

Does World 9 Really Exist?

First, let’s start with the question, “Is there a World 9?”

After a magazine published a picture, the editorial department received many inquiries asking how to get to World 9. So, we interviewed Miyamoto Shigeru at Nintendo to find out.

Does World 9 really exist? To get straight to point, it may unexpectedly appear due to “noise,” but it’s not something you can purposefully get with some maneuver or manipulation. Please remember that even if you try, chances of success are slim.

What Is Noise?

Next up, what is this “noise” that causes all this?

Have you ever noticed a scratching sound come from your TV or radio, for example, when you turn on an old flashlight, or when there’s lightning? This is actually the “noise” from the flashlight or lightning interacting with the TV or radio, creating the audible noise.

TV and radios produce images and sound by receiving signals. Signals are electronic waves that flow through the air. So, because noise also makes a scratching sound, that means it’s from the same kind of electronic waves. Also, it can only make nonsense sounds, so you could call it “flow of erratic electronic waves.”

Inside the Famicom…

By the way, the Famicom you all know and love also shows the screen and music using electronic waves. What’s different [from TV or radio] is that Famicoms are run by a program.

A program serves the purpose of controlling the flow of signals inside the Famicom. Things like showing characters on the screen or making Mario jump when you press the A button are all achieved through the program.

Now, what if noise, just like it caused the radio to make random sounds, caused the program’s control to get jumbled? The answer to that is World 9.

World 9 Is an Anomaly