<aside> 🔗 Lyricstranslate mirror / Neocities mirror


<aside> ❗ 括弧()内は動画の演出の一部です。 Text inside the parentheses are part of the music video, but are not sung.


私は字が汚いまま大人になりました まじで小学生の頃から何ら変わっていません。 なんなら小学生の頃の方が綺麗に書けました 大きくなったら勝手にさ 字は成長するんじゃないですか!?!?

I became an adult and my handwriting is still bad Seriously, it hasn’t changed at all since elementary school. Actually, my handwriting was better in elementary school As I grow older, wouldn’t my handwriting grow with me!?!?

だいたいとんでもなく筆圧が強いので 消しても消しても消しても消しても 書き直しても汚いまま 黒板とかホワイトボード 角度90°違いますよね ただでさえ自信ないのにさ でっかく字を晒せだと!?!?

First and foremost, my pencil pressure is so strong No matter how much I erase and erase and erase and erase And rewrite the words, it’s still ugly Blackboards and whiteboards are at 90-degree angles I’m already unconfident in my writing And you expect me to put it on full display!?!?

教科書みたいな字書くアイツよ 一体どこで身につけるの? 女子の書く可愛い丸文字は いつどこで学んだんですか? 仲間だと思ってたのに 本気出せばめちゃくちゃ綺麗なやつ

To that guy who writes letters like a textbook font Just where do you acquire such a skill? The girls who write those cute, round letters, too Where and when did you learn it? The person who I thought was like me Who could write so neat when they try—

お前らの頭ちょっと見せろ コントロールパネル開かせろ お前らのフォントを見せてみろ どこでインスコするの教えてくれ!!

Let me see your brains for a second Let me open Control Panel Show me where you keep your fonts And tell me where to install them from!!

教えたらお前のフォント消して ようじょふぉんとにすり替えてやる!!!

And once you tell me, I’ll delete your fonts And replace them with a little girl’s handwriting!!!

間違えても字が綺麗なら許される気がするの何故ですか 交換採点 隣の子 首を傾げ「何て書いていますか」 あの子と同じこと書いてるのに部分点無いの何故ですか

Why does it feel like if you have pretty handwriting, mistakes are easily forgiven? During swap-grading, the person sitting next to me looks puzzled and asks, “What does this say?” Why do I not get partial credit when I wrote the same thing as that kid?

縦書きなんて拷問だ 定規を当ててもこっちにずれる

Writing vertically is just torture Even if I use a ruler, it tilts this way

名無しのプリント貼り出して「男子の字だと思う」ってさ 全男子に失礼極まりないけど取りに行くよ 女子ですが。 字が汚けりゃ絵は上手いとか謎の仮説があるけどさ そもそも〇すらまともに書けないし 絵とかもとより無理でした。

The teacher puts a nameless worksheet up on the board, saying “I think this is a boy’s handwriting” That’s a massive discourtesy to every boy, but I’ll go up to check it… even though I’m a girl. There’s some strange theory that people with bad handwriting are good at drawing But I can barely draw a circle right Art for me was impossible from the start.

お前らのフォントを見せてみろ どこでインスコするの教えてくれ!! 教えたらお前のフォント ELECTROHARMONIXに変えてやる!!! 卒業文集公開処刑 ちっとも成長感じれない 言わずもがな見ての通りですがペンの持ち方がバグってる

Show me where you keep your fonts And tell me where to install them from!! And once you tell me I’ll change your font to ELECTROHARMONIX!!! Graduation essay collections are public executions; I can’t sense any improvement at all It goes without saying that the way I hold my pen is disastrous, as you can see

ゆっくり書けば歪みだす 速く書けばもちろん 崩れる 心の中身は字に表れるって 誠実さは字に表れるって?

I write slowly, and it gets distorted I write fast, and of course, it starts to fall apart Handwriting represents your heart, you say Handwriting shows your conscience, you say?

私だって本気を出せば(←Shalaku) 私だって本気を出せば(←クルトガアドバンス) 私だって本気を出せば(←製図用ペン) 誠実な人に

I too, if I put my all into it (← Shalaku) I too, if I put my all into it (← Kuru Toga Advance) I too, if I put my all into it (← technical pencil) Can become an earnest-


Nope, it’s no good. (The lead broke)

ノート貸してもいいけどさ 絶対読めんって返ってくる ゆっくり書いても速く書いても 「もっと丁寧に書いてよね」はぁ!? ゆっくり書いてもこんな速さじゃ板書に置いていかれるんです 速く書いても遅く書いても綺麗なアイツになりたいです。

Sure, I can let you borrow my notes But they always give it back saying “I can’t read it” No matter if I write slow or fast ”Could you write more neatly?” HUH!? Even if I write slowly, with this speed I just get left behind by the board Oh, to become that person who can write nicely no matter the speed.
