<aside> 🔗 Lyricstranslate mirror / Neocities mirror


どうか 神の御慈悲を給え 恵まれないあなたは人を殴るから どうか 地獄へと征きませ 豚に真珠とは よくも言えたものだから

Please, God have mercy Because you're such an unfortunate thing, you beat others Please, go to hell Because you have no right in saying "Cast not pearls before swine"

近寄るなよ その足元這いつくばって 生まれてごめんねと 口走りそうになるから

Don't come near me Because I'm almost about to Crawl at your feet and blurt out An apology for being born

人の上に立って講釈を垂れる 化粧のできないその顔は忘れないわ 血で塗れた椅子に腰掛ける猿よ ああそのままいつまでも 私の死体を想像して 何かを成し遂げた気でいろ

I'll never forget that face of yours that can't even put on makeup That stands over others and lectures them You monkey sitting on a chair covered in blood Ah, go on like that forever Imagining my dead body And feel as though you've accomplished something

どうか 神の御慈悲を給え 盗みのばれたあなたは人を殴るから どうか 地獄へと征きませ 正しさを説くあなたは 実に無様な傀儡もどき

Please, God have mercy Because you got caught stealing, you beat others Please, go to hell You who preaches righteousness Are truly a pathetic decoy of a puppet

それはまるで魂まで 喰い散らかす政のように 死ぬことも生きることも許されず 蠢く奴隷のように さらば! 目に入る紅は腐り落ちるささくれよ

It's almost like a government that Devours even souls Or a squirming slave that Isn't allowed to live or die Farewell! The crimson hitting my eye is a rotting splinter

にやけるなよ 言い訳する顔が憎いわ 誰かを嬲りなさい あの時のように 侮るなよ その喉笛に突き刺さって 二度とは離れぬよう 深く抉るように

Don't grin like that I detest that face of you making excuses Go on and bully someone, just like that one time Don't underestimate me, I'll stab into your windpipe So it never parts So it gouges deep

快楽のための甘噛みひとつで ついた傷から降る雷が止まないわ ひらがなの5文字を 消せぬまま生きろ ああそのままいつまでも 誰かの眼を踏み潰して 何かを顕した気でいろ

The thunder coming from the scar from The one play-bite for pleasure does not stop Live on, unable to erase Those five letters of hiragana Ah, go on like that forever Stomping out someone's eyes And feel as though you've expressed something

私たちもう一生分かり合えないと 分かっていたでしょう 憎しみの鎖解き進むのは 果てしない孤独の道 もう自由よ 私は自由なの ここから始まる新たな人生に もう誰の名も載ることは無い お前はそのお立ち台で 指を咥えたまま見ていろ

The two of us will never understand each other You knew that already The road to tread after unraveling the chain of hate Is an endless and lonely one I'm free now, I'm finally free! The new life that begins here Won't have anyone's name on it anymore Stand there on your platform And watch me with envy